Saturday, December 19, 2009

Week 30

Another week flies by already! At this point in time, this little one is just under 3 pounds. Makes me wonder a bit since I have already gained just over 20 pounds myself. lol. We had our doctor's appointment this week. Apparantly I am an over acheiver when it comes to processing sugar (lots of practice) so there are no worries about diabetes and monster sized babies. Unfortunately though I had to get my Rh shot in the butt this week. Here's hoping she comes out with some sort of negative blood type!

I am learning a very hard lesson it seems on slowing down this week. On the up side, I have finished all my Christmas shopping and started my gift registry. One the downside, when you are 30 weeks pregnant, after being on your feet for 8 hours you literally feel like you have been hit by a bus! I woke up so sore this morning. To top it off, I also got a charlie horse in both calves in the middle of the night so I must look hilarious hobbling around today. Seriously though, there aren't enough hours in the day to drink more water! I think it is only fair that I treat myself to a bath tonight.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Week 29

Today marks week 29 for us. According to my handy email update, baby is now 2.5 pounds and about 15 inches from head to toe. She apparantly is doing the majority of her growing now so I guess that would explain my appetite!

There always seems to be something new and exciting happening. Yesterday I felt her hiccups for the first time. She must have hiccupped 2 times before it stopped. I kind of felt bad for her because I know how sore they make my stomach. We are also experiencing more Braxton Hicks contractions. Thankfully, at this point, they aren't painful but they do kind of take your breath away! I don't mind the practice as long as she doesn't decide to make her appearance into the world too soon!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Week 28

I know it seems a little strange to start 2/3 of the way into the story but I wanted to be sure to get into the habit of updating this blog before the baby arrives. I will try to add in some pictures from before so you can see where we started.

For the moment though, we have arrived at week 28. Baby is aproximately 2.3 pounds and is aproximately 14.8 inches from top to toe. According to my email updates from baby center I should be gaining only another 11 pounds in this last trimester... good lord. I already feel so heavy and slow. lol. It's all about her now though. Her turn to chunk up!

We attempted to get a 3D ultrasound done on wednesday December 2nd. Seems as though the little one didn't feel like cooperating. You know it is bad when even the technician starts laughing! She was folded up like a taco. Both legs up in front of her face with the tops of her feet resting on the top of her head. I have a feeling that she has been like that for a while too because she has been kicking in the same spot for the past 2 weeks. So no little sneak peaks then on her little face. I guess we will just have to wait a little longer...

Now that the weekend is over and there is no chance of another ultrasound, she has shifted again and is lying straight across my belly with what I think are her legs in a more natural position. If nothing else I can feel her kicking in more than one place now and I am thankful... I was really starting to get sore! She is still after the kitty cats too. As soon as one of them lays on my belly, she is kicking away at them. Oh they are going to be in trouble...