Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday November 14th

Today you got to do something you have been asking to do all week.  You got to go visit Laurie and watch Wiggles.  lol.  While I am at the chiropractor, you sit out in the waiting room with the receptionist and watch Wiggles on my little Ipod.  You love it and ask to go!  Way better than the tears that used to happen when I left the room!

I was thinking the other day that when you were small I made sure to take pictures of all your favorite toys and books you like to read.  I will have to get back into that again!  Right at the moment Olivia Saves the Circus is your favorite book taking over from your car book and Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.  You also like making big towers with daddy and your mega blocks and playing your roll out piano.  Mostly though you just like to groove to the preprogrammed beats.  You also like playing with your house and of course, making a mess is always close to your heart!  ;)

Sunday November 13th

So this morning was your dad's turn to wake up with you while mommy gets a little more sleep.  You woke up at about 7:20 which is pretty typical for you.  Your dad went in and asked if you would sleep a little longer for daddy.  Your answer?  "ok dada" and then you layed down and slept until 9:15!!!  Seriously?!?!  That works?!  Sigh.  I guess we all got a sleep in day.

A new friend also arrived today.  He is an elf from the north pole.  He watches over everyone all day and then goes and reports to santa every night.  We have to name him in order for him to be ours.  We decided that Aiphos was a great name for him!  (Sophia mostly backwards)  He arrived swinging on the chandalier this morning and we shall see where he is tomorrow.  He is sneaky and finds a new place to sit every day!  No touching though or his Christmas magic might wear off!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Sunday November 6th

Auntie Madelaine is 5yrs old!  Hard to believe already!  Her birthday was actually yesterday but we were all able to get together today to celebrate.  We also took the oppertunity to get the family photos done since everyone was there.  As a special treat, even Grand Memere was there!  Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of Madelaine opening her super awesome gifts (including a my little pony puzzle, a teacup piggy, soem awesome clothes and more).  Here are some of the family photos instead!
The WHOLE family!

Sophia and Grand Memere

This year is was Eleanor that cried.  Last year it was Sophia!  lol

What a cheesy smile!


Well not really Sophia's first snow but the first snow that she can express how she feels about it.  There were a LOT of "oh no what happened?" and "oh oh snow fall down".  It was pretty funny to watch!

I handed her a snow ball once we went outside as she didn't want to touch the snow.  I finally had to take it out of her hands so her fingers didn't fall off because she just stood there holding in and not moving an inch... lol.

I have been working the last couple of days so I always enjoy my first day back with my little lady.  It is getting chilly out there though so we are going to have to find another way to get some energy out since we can't spend a couple of hours at the park!  Time to take another look at the Early Years programs!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday November 4. 2011

This morning was a little frosty.  I had to scrape the windows on the car.  When I wiped down the slides at the park after our walk, there was still slush there too and it was already 10:30!  Didn't seem to slow you down too much with your winter jacket and cute little hat.  I think I am going to have to make myself a hat for our walks to the park! 

I had a chiropractor appt this morning and we had to rush because you slept in a little bit.  We managed to get there in time though for my appointment.  You sit on the front bench by the window with my Ipod and speakers and sit so quietly for my 10 minute appointment.  Laurie is there of course to keep an eye on you as well and you always say hello and goodbye to her.  I think she wants some new wiggles though as your songs are getting stuck in her head!

I think today we were very close to you needing therapy!  You were very "helpful" when I was doing the laundry.  You really do like helping load things in and watching everything go around and around.  You went into your bedroom and got your puppy dog and zebra, brought them over and put them into the dryer and closed the door.  I thought you wanted them to go round and round.  I pushed a button and you started to panic and scream doggy doggy and bang on the door.  Thankfully it never did start up and puppy was saved in the nick of time!  sigh.  I will have to ask from now on when I get a bright idea I guess...