Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wednesday Oct 27th

This morning we went to Mother Goose to sing (and we were late again).  You sure do enjoy singing the songs, doing the actions, and watching the kids run around like crazy!  We did the groceries and then came home.  I made some blueberries for you while you had your nap because you don't like the noise that the food processor makes!  You sure did like those blueberries and they sure do make a mess!!!

This afternoon after changing your bum I left you on the floor on your back to go throw out your diaper.  When I came back, you were on your belly which isn't anything new.  Then you put both your hands on the ground in front of you and pushed yourself backwards sliding on your tummy on the laminate.  Then you did it again.  And again.  Sigh.  That's it, you're officially mobile!  Not crawling, not forwards, but definately moving!

October 23rd

This morning we took a nice walk around Blue Mountain.  You went down the slide for the first time both with mommy and by yourself!  Carson really liked the park until he caught sight of the water and went running for it.  Apparantly he really likes water, even if it is freezing!  Thankfully he didn't get near it.  We spent some time sitting by the outdoor fire and patting all the puppy dogs that came by.  There was a cute little Westie that you were quite fond of!

In the afternoon, we took the lead from Carson and his adventures and went for a swim.  Unfortunately you were sleepy and a little unhappy about the water so our swim was short.  You did do quite well getting less sleep than you normally do.  You were still quite happy to play with Carson's toys and laugh at him jumping up and down.  I think Carson enjoyed himself too, he told us "I come back"!

October 22nd

Today we all travelled up to Collingwood for the weekend.  Dali, Laurie, Carson and Maelle came to join us.  We arrived around lunchtime and waited for the others.  You found a pretty little girl to play with in the meantime though!  We might have to get you a great big mirror for at home!  My favorite was watching you once I put your ice cream truck down in front of you.  You kept trying to push the button on the one in the mirror.  That little girl apparantly kept blocking you so you tried a bunch of different ways to get it.  In the end though you made up and had lots of kisses for the little girl.

October 16th 2010

Today we thought maybe some fresh air and sunshine would make us feel better.  I thought maybe the cool air might help too.  We went for a long walk along the trail in town just the 3 of us.  You had a nice nap in your stroller and we got a good workout!

October 15th 2010

We are sick... Yesterday you were very sucky and clingy and that isn't like you at all.  You aren't one to snuggle through the day.  Today I understand why.  My throat is KILLING me!  Your nose is running and you have a bit of a cough.  It is officially your first cold (you didn't have to share!).  I guess better now than when you were a baby!  We are taking it easy, wiping our noses and hiding out in the house!  What better to do when you aren't feeling well!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thursday October 14th

So we survived Thanksgiving weekend.  Whew.  A busy, loud crazy weekend but it wouldn't be a family holiday without all that!  We visited Buni and Bunicu on saturday but your auntie and uncle weren't able to join us because Alexandra was sick.  Then Sunday, we went to your Grammy and Pepere's house.  That was 2 full tables!  We will definately have to bring you a highchair next time as your reach is way too long to have you on my lap!!!  We also did our family photos for the Christmas cards.  I love this picture of you and your Auntie Madelaine.  You were just about finished sitting and posing and your auntie was trying to make you happy again.  It just melts my heart to look at it!  She said "It's ok Sophia.  Be happy!".

Here is one of all 3 of the little ladies!

and one of our family on this lovely fall day!

The holiday Monday I went into the city to take pictures of someone else's little one so you stayed home and hung out with your dad.  You went out for a walk and everything!  Tuesday (i know not the holiday anymore) we went over and took pictures of the twins Sydney and Brady.  You played with Amellia in the meantime and were very well behaved!  Wednesday morning you took your nap early and we were able to make it to mother goose on time!  You had probably the most fun so far.  You love the songs and especially watching the bigger kids running around.  You usually ending squealing because you are so excited!

Monday, October 4, 2010

October 4th 2010

We had to run a few errands today.  It is starting to get a little chilly now so I thought I would pull out the hat I made for Sophia when she was a baby.  It surprisingly fits her little melon head and looks SO cute on her!  I have 2 litttle flowers for the front that I have to attatch still.  Here is the little fall princess in her car seat!