Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wednesday Oct 27th

This morning we went to Mother Goose to sing (and we were late again).  You sure do enjoy singing the songs, doing the actions, and watching the kids run around like crazy!  We did the groceries and then came home.  I made some blueberries for you while you had your nap because you don't like the noise that the food processor makes!  You sure did like those blueberries and they sure do make a mess!!!

This afternoon after changing your bum I left you on the floor on your back to go throw out your diaper.  When I came back, you were on your belly which isn't anything new.  Then you put both your hands on the ground in front of you and pushed yourself backwards sliding on your tummy on the laminate.  Then you did it again.  And again.  Sigh.  That's it, you're officially mobile!  Not crawling, not forwards, but definately moving!

October 23rd

This morning we took a nice walk around Blue Mountain.  You went down the slide for the first time both with mommy and by yourself!  Carson really liked the park until he caught sight of the water and went running for it.  Apparantly he really likes water, even if it is freezing!  Thankfully he didn't get near it.  We spent some time sitting by the outdoor fire and patting all the puppy dogs that came by.  There was a cute little Westie that you were quite fond of!

In the afternoon, we took the lead from Carson and his adventures and went for a swim.  Unfortunately you were sleepy and a little unhappy about the water so our swim was short.  You did do quite well getting less sleep than you normally do.  You were still quite happy to play with Carson's toys and laugh at him jumping up and down.  I think Carson enjoyed himself too, he told us "I come back"!

October 22nd

Today we all travelled up to Collingwood for the weekend.  Dali, Laurie, Carson and Maelle came to join us.  We arrived around lunchtime and waited for the others.  You found a pretty little girl to play with in the meantime though!  We might have to get you a great big mirror for at home!  My favorite was watching you once I put your ice cream truck down in front of you.  You kept trying to push the button on the one in the mirror.  That little girl apparantly kept blocking you so you tried a bunch of different ways to get it.  In the end though you made up and had lots of kisses for the little girl.

October 16th 2010

Today we thought maybe some fresh air and sunshine would make us feel better.  I thought maybe the cool air might help too.  We went for a long walk along the trail in town just the 3 of us.  You had a nice nap in your stroller and we got a good workout!

October 15th 2010

We are sick... Yesterday you were very sucky and clingy and that isn't like you at all.  You aren't one to snuggle through the day.  Today I understand why.  My throat is KILLING me!  Your nose is running and you have a bit of a cough.  It is officially your first cold (you didn't have to share!).  I guess better now than when you were a baby!  We are taking it easy, wiping our noses and hiding out in the house!  What better to do when you aren't feeling well!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thursday October 14th

So we survived Thanksgiving weekend.  Whew.  A busy, loud crazy weekend but it wouldn't be a family holiday without all that!  We visited Buni and Bunicu on saturday but your auntie and uncle weren't able to join us because Alexandra was sick.  Then Sunday, we went to your Grammy and Pepere's house.  That was 2 full tables!  We will definately have to bring you a highchair next time as your reach is way too long to have you on my lap!!!  We also did our family photos for the Christmas cards.  I love this picture of you and your Auntie Madelaine.  You were just about finished sitting and posing and your auntie was trying to make you happy again.  It just melts my heart to look at it!  She said "It's ok Sophia.  Be happy!".

Here is one of all 3 of the little ladies!

and one of our family on this lovely fall day!

The holiday Monday I went into the city to take pictures of someone else's little one so you stayed home and hung out with your dad.  You went out for a walk and everything!  Tuesday (i know not the holiday anymore) we went over and took pictures of the twins Sydney and Brady.  You played with Amellia in the meantime and were very well behaved!  Wednesday morning you took your nap early and we were able to make it to mother goose on time!  You had probably the most fun so far.  You love the songs and especially watching the bigger kids running around.  You usually ending squealing because you are so excited!

Monday, October 4, 2010

October 4th 2010

We had to run a few errands today.  It is starting to get a little chilly now so I thought I would pull out the hat I made for Sophia when she was a baby.  It surprisingly fits her little melon head and looks SO cute on her!  I have 2 litttle flowers for the front that I have to attatch still.  Here is the little fall princess in her car seat!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 221: September 28th

Sophia is a creature of habit. She likes to sleep but only when she wants to. She is very good at telling us when she is ready. Then she simply wants to be layed down in bed with her blankie and her soother. It is a blessing and a curse all at the same time! She will sleep in the car when it is her nap time but her stroller isn't a sufficient replacement for her bed. I can't wait till we are doing 2 good naps instead of 3 little ones... Anyways, this is how Sophia tells us that she is ready to go to sleep. That nose wrinkle is soooo her father!

Day 220: September 27th

We just got home from our walk and Sophia had her little jacket on because the weather is starting to cool off here. I have to knit her a hat still but in the meantime, she just wore her hood. I just had to share how stinking cute she looked as a little elf... You can even see all her little toothies! (8 in total!)

She was quite giggly so I thought I would catch that on video since her last giggle video was so old! Enjoy her bigger more grown up baby giggle! She still has problems with her spit though... lol

Day 212: September 19th

The is Sophia's newest trick that she can perform. It all started one morning when we were up around 5am for the day. I was still quite tired so I layed on the couch beside Sophia while she jumped in the exersaucer. Every once and a while she would look up at me with my head down on the pillow and then put her head down too. I told her that was right, it is early in the morning and it is time to "rest". She has been doing this ever since. So cute. So here is Sophia, "resting".

Friday, September 10, 2010

Shiney New Earings!

These are Sophia's shiney new earings. She has had them for almost 2 weeks now and I think they are just so stinking cute! They don't seem to bother her one bit and she hasn't tried to touch them either! Now she shouldn't get any more "how old is HE?" "SHE is 6 1/2 months" lol

Friday September 10

Yesterday it was a cooler day so we went for a nice long walk. We went down to the pet store and looked at all the animals. The kittens were your favorite of course but the degus and the birds made you giggle. You also really liked the brightly lit fish tanks and watched them without blinking for a long time. You fell asleep as we were turning back onto our street so I carried you up to bed. Each time I took a step up the stairs, you would giggle even though you were asleep. It was very cute!

We tried some chicken at dinner tonight. The night before didn't go well as you gagged enough that you threw up. This time went a little bit better but you only would take the chicken if it was mixed with your avocado (which of course you like very much!) At bedtime, your dad had to "tap out" while changing your diaper because you have become very wiggly. You very often want to look behind you at the red light on the bottle warmer.

This morning you got to try pears for the first time. You weren't too interested in trying it until you got a taste. Then I couldn't shovel it in fast enough! I think they get a big happy face in your food book!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Ok I promise now I am going to get back into the swing of things. I have made notes and such all the way along to help remember all the fantastic things Sophia has been doing. It will be so much less daunting to do one day at a time then have to catch up on a month and a half. yikes!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 77 -May 7th -Friday

You are 11 weeks old today!

We met up with Dawn to do some shopping today. On the agenda, materials for cloth diapers! We found some very cute materials and I am excited to give this a try! I hope they turn out well! You also got to meet Leah's Nana Mary today. She just thinks you are the cutest thing and so well behaved! We had a great day even though the weather outside was cold, wet and miserable!

Day 76 -May 6th -Thursday

More good news today! Mihai and Mioara had their little baby girl today! Maria Jolene welcome to the world! I don't have a lot of details about her yet but I do have a photo from an email and she is a cutie! I hope you don't mind if I post it!

Day 75 -May 5th -Wednesday

Today we went into the city and did a little shopping. You are always so good when we are out and about and you love all the people smiling and talking to you. As long as you get fed when you are hungry you are a happy girl! We went to Fabricland to get some material for your Auntie Louise and her little one. We are doing a little project for her for mother's day! You had a huge poop in the store so I then had to change you and feed you in the car. It is good that it is sunny outside so it seems like a picnic!
When i was cutting the facecloths out tonight in the basement, I had a couple of scraps left over. I thought you looked like you needed a sweatband with all the playing and kicking you were doing in your chair. I tied it around your head and you seemed to like it! It looks pretty darn cute for just a scrap! You can see how addicted you are to the tv too in the picture of you and your dad. It is hard to miss though at 55 inches!

Day 73 -May 3 -Monday

You have started to stand up now and hold your weight on your legs while we hold you up. You are quite proud of yourself and look around like you are queen of the room! I haven't been able to get a pic or video of you yet since my hands are busy but we will have to get one soon!

Day 72 -May 2nd -Sunday

Today your daddy got dressed up in his OPP ausillary uniform and went to help out with the fun run. Turns out it wasn't too fun though as it was cold and rainy! We did get a really cute picture of you and him in his uniform but that has to be saved for our private stash.

We then went down to your Buni's for dinner. Your Bunicci have been cruising in the Carribean so you haven't had the chance to see them in a while. They were quite tanned when we arrived. They brought you back 2 little outfits that you will still have to grow into but will look very cute on you!

Day 71 -May 1 -Saturday

Four years ago today your daddy proposed to your mommy. Look how far we have come in 4 years!

We were around the house today so I thought it was a perfect oppertunity to wear those awesome leg warmers! They matched perfetly with your golf tshirt! I can't wait to get some more baby legs for you. You look so stinking cute with your chubby little thighs hanging out!

Day 70 -April 30th -Friday

Today you are 10 weeks old! It is still hard to imagine that you are that old already! We decided to take a bunch of pictures of you to show how big you have gotten already! You have started to put your hand on the side of the bottle when we feed you now. It isn't always a help though as sometimes you push the bottle right out of your mouth and then get mad! I think it will still be a long while before you are feeding yourself!

Day 69 -April 29th -Thursday

Today we met up with your Auntie Dawn and Leah. Shockingly and terrible enough to admit, I have no pictures. Isn't that terrible?! We will have to get updated pictures with you and Leah very soon. Your Auntie Dawn like to hold you and feed you your bottle because Leah is way to busy these days to sit still to eat!

Day 68 -April 28 -Wednesday

Here is a classic picture of you. You love to have your hands up around your face. You will sit with your little fist under your chin and you love to sleep with your arms tucked up. Here you are snoozing peacefully in your daddy's arms...

Day 61 -April 21st -Wednesday

Big news today! Dave and Nicole have become parents! Kael Jacob was born tonight! It is very exciting! It is too bad that they are all the way out on the west coast though because it would be fun for you to meet him and take a couple of pictures side by side. We will have to wait till they take the trip home... hopefully at Christmas! He is SO cute! Congratulations Dave and Nicole!

Day 60 -April 20 -Tuesday

Today was a gorgeous day outside! It is also Dianne's birthday today so we decided to go out to lunch with her and Dawn and Leah. You were quite well behaved till the end when you got hungry and Leah sang for the whole restaurant! lol. We then went to Walmart and wandered around the store for a bit and chatted. You and I then went to the superstore and bought some wipes really on sale and decided to try some new diapers. They aren't as soft as the baby diapers but they seem to be about the same as the regular diapers. We shall give them a try...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day 59 -April 19th -Monday

Happy 2 month birthday! It is hard to believe that 2 months have gone by already! It is also hard to believe that we have only known you for that long! What was life like before you???

Yet another day at home... You are starting to really enjoy singing songs with all the actions of course. Your favorite is skina-mirinky-dinky-dink but you also enjoy eensy-weensy-spider. You always have your mouth wide open though like you want to eat the spider... gross!

Day 58 -April 18th -Sunday

Well it is official. You have your mother's big feet! You are fitting into your 3 month clothing now (nothing bigger at all yet). You are tall enough but you still don't fill them out much. You are however, wearing socks sized 6-12 months. The rest of them don't even fit on your foot anymore. On the plus side, you will have a nice big platform to stand on when you start to walk... Theodore decided that he wanted to snuggle too when you fell asleep on my lap today. He had his arm draped right over you and you guys seem to have the same sized feet too...

Day 55 -April 15th -Thursday

Unfortunately, I have lost track of what was happening yesterday and today since I neglected to write it down anywhere... terrible I know! Here is a picture of you though. It seems more than you can bear...

Day 53 -April 13th -Tuesday

Today was a beautiful day out! Ron surprised us with a visit since he was out on the bike on his own today (Dianne is a little too pregnant to be riding her bike) It has been a long time since he has seen you since he has had a cold for the last couple of weeks. You were very happy and awake and cooed and talked to him the whole time he was here. It is a good thing that you were well behaved. We wouldn't want to scare the poor guy just months before his little one arrives!

After he left you had a nice nap. Then we went out for a long walk to enjoy the sunshine and the nice warm air! You were awake and looking around for most of it but you did fall asleep at the end. It must be all that fresh air!

Day 52 -April 12th -Monday

Today is back to our normal schedule again... It usually takes a day to get used to our routine again after the weekend is over. All the travelling and people holding you seems to screw you up a little. Here you are catching up with a nap on the couch beside me... face down just how you like it...

Day 50 -April 10th -Saturday

Today is Saturday so that means your dad is home for the day! Right off the bat I got to sleep in this morning while he got up to feed you and entertain you until I woke up. Then we had a day full of "i should dos" until laziness won over and we ended up hanging around for the day. Here are a bunch of pictures of you chill-axing on my lap...

Day 49 -April 9th -Friday

Today you wore another one of your new fashion finds (and one of my personal favorites!) Your "happiness is mommy" t-shirt! I think you like it too!

Your Nana came to visit today too since it is one of her Fridays off. She held you and snuggled you and spoiled you rotten! It also gave me that chance to grab a shower and get some paperwork done that I have had on my to-do list for quite a while! You even showed off how strong you are gettting by holding up your head and looking around!

Day 48 -April 8th -Thursday

Today you wore another new outfit that we got on our American shopping trip. I know that it was in the little boy section but I figured that it was very appropriate. It is your "Daddy's caddy in training" t-shirt and I figure that it will show your dad that we are all ready to head out golfing! I am sure that you will be well behaved!

Today Adam and Amellia came over to meet you for the first time. Amellia was quite taken with you and wanted to hold your hand a lot. She was very excited when I told her that I think you like her a lot. She kept telling her dad that "baby Sophia likes me". It was very cute! We will see how excited she is when her little twin siblings arrive this summer!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 79- May 9th -Sunday

Happy Mother's Day!

Wow my first mother's day. I was treated to a very nice sleep in this morning while your dad looked after you. I also got a beautiful bouquet of pink roses (he thought that's the colour you would choose) and a very cute card (that said what he thinks you would say). We also went out for breakfast which turned out to be more of a lunch since I slept in so much! I have to admit though, the best gift on mother's day was when you snuggled in and fell asleep on my chest. Sigh, how wonderful!

We also travelled out to see your Nana and Grandpa and Uncle Matt today. You brought Nana a beautiful digital frame full of pictures of your first 3 months. She loved it and was relieved that she doesn't have to find more wall space for all of your cute pictures! She also bought me a cute little necklace charm that says Best Mom because she figured she would help you out a little.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 44 -April 4th -Sunday

Happy Easter! We were up bright and early of course because you don't sleep much past 8 yet. Everyone else got a chance to sleep in besides your Buni who wanted some uninterrupted time with you! We had a very yummy breakfast and then off to our next visit...

I think it is pretty obvious whose head and hairline you have... lol

We got to your Pepere and Grammy's house and all your Aunts and Uncles were there to hold you and snuggle you. You also got to meet Mommy's cousins Sarah, Mary and Amy. They just thought you were the cutest little thing! You also got to meet your Great Grandfather! He was absolutely in love with you!!! We had a deliscious dinner that your Pepere cooked and yummy dessert that your Grammy made. Your Auntie Madelaine even shared some of her Easter candy with everyone.

After a very fun and VERY busy weekend, it was nice to get home again and unpack all the gear we needed for you for the weekend! Next time we will attempt to pack up the pack and play... I hope we kept the directions close by...

Day 43 -April 3rd -Saturday

Today we tried to rest up as best we could. It is Easter weekend and we are going to your Bunicii's house to spend the night. It is tradition to go to the church for midnight mass and then enjoy some food when we get back home. This year we decided not to go to the church with you since you are so small and the weather isn't that nice. You didn't make it to our meal after everyone returned from the church. You were a very good girl and went to bed at 10. Your cousin Alexandra did all the partying for both of you! She was wide awake at 3 am!

Day 42 -April 2nd

Today it is gorgeous outside. We went for a nice long walk and opened up the windows to let some fresh air in! As you can see the boys are quite happy with it and I think all that fresh air made you super sleepy! Here you are sleeping just the way you like... face down!

Then we went to your Nana's house for dinner. We had a very yummy ham. You got to see your Auntie Louise and Uncle Dave as well. You also were able to meet your Great Auntie Vera and Great Uncle Ed. She brought some lovely gifts for you! I know you will enjoy crawling around on your play mat and I can't wait to get your little summer outfit on you!

Day 74 -May 4th -Tuesday

Last night you slept in your crib! Yay! You went too bed without any trouble at all. You slept right to your bottle at 5 too! Unfortunately I didn't have the baby monitor turned up loud enough and didn't hear you until you were crying. That meant that it was a lot harder to put you back to bed. After a lot of rocking though you went back down and finished your sleep! What a big girl!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 67 -April 27th -Tuesday

You were up again in the middle of the night for a bottle! I don't think I like this new routine you are on. You were also up at 6:30 this morning to start your day. I tried putting you in bed with me to snuggle but you just kept looking up at me with a great big smile on your face. I figured you weren't going back to sleep. And besides, how can I get upset with you and that great big toothless grin?