Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 221: September 28th

Sophia is a creature of habit. She likes to sleep but only when she wants to. She is very good at telling us when she is ready. Then she simply wants to be layed down in bed with her blankie and her soother. It is a blessing and a curse all at the same time! She will sleep in the car when it is her nap time but her stroller isn't a sufficient replacement for her bed. I can't wait till we are doing 2 good naps instead of 3 little ones... Anyways, this is how Sophia tells us that she is ready to go to sleep. That nose wrinkle is soooo her father!

Day 220: September 27th

We just got home from our walk and Sophia had her little jacket on because the weather is starting to cool off here. I have to knit her a hat still but in the meantime, she just wore her hood. I just had to share how stinking cute she looked as a little elf... You can even see all her little toothies! (8 in total!)

She was quite giggly so I thought I would catch that on video since her last giggle video was so old! Enjoy her bigger more grown up baby giggle! She still has problems with her spit though... lol

Day 212: September 19th

The is Sophia's newest trick that she can perform. It all started one morning when we were up around 5am for the day. I was still quite tired so I layed on the couch beside Sophia while she jumped in the exersaucer. Every once and a while she would look up at me with my head down on the pillow and then put her head down too. I told her that was right, it is early in the morning and it is time to "rest". She has been doing this ever since. So cute. So here is Sophia, "resting".

Friday, September 10, 2010

Shiney New Earings!

These are Sophia's shiney new earings. She has had them for almost 2 weeks now and I think they are just so stinking cute! They don't seem to bother her one bit and she hasn't tried to touch them either! Now she shouldn't get any more "how old is HE?" "SHE is 6 1/2 months" lol

Friday September 10

Yesterday it was a cooler day so we went for a nice long walk. We went down to the pet store and looked at all the animals. The kittens were your favorite of course but the degus and the birds made you giggle. You also really liked the brightly lit fish tanks and watched them without blinking for a long time. You fell asleep as we were turning back onto our street so I carried you up to bed. Each time I took a step up the stairs, you would giggle even though you were asleep. It was very cute!

We tried some chicken at dinner tonight. The night before didn't go well as you gagged enough that you threw up. This time went a little bit better but you only would take the chicken if it was mixed with your avocado (which of course you like very much!) At bedtime, your dad had to "tap out" while changing your diaper because you have become very wiggly. You very often want to look behind you at the red light on the bottle warmer.

This morning you got to try pears for the first time. You weren't too interested in trying it until you got a taste. Then I couldn't shovel it in fast enough! I think they get a big happy face in your food book!