Thursday, January 7, 2010

These are from new years eve Dec 31 2009. 32 weeks. Liviu caught me with the p&s while in the laundry room...

These are from my brithday, December 21 2009. 30 weeks

33 weeks

We are getting closer... So this week our little girl is 4.2 pounds and is still about 17 inches long. She sure is adding on the chunk since she isn't getting any longer! I am up and writing this at 6 am which I think is way too early in the morning since I don't have a crying baby or have to go to work. I am just so darn uncomfortable in bed that at some point I just have to give up and get up. There will be a nap on the books for today! ;)

Now that the holidays are over, it seems like there is not much to do. At the same time though, 7 weeks doesn't sound like a long time away anymore and that's if she makes it till her due date. That means that there is so much to do! It is all a delicate juggling act right now though. The drywall is now done in the basement. We just need someone to come in and do the mudding on it. Hopefully they can come in very soon to take care of that! Then a couple coats of paint on the walls. We are going to be smart (I think) and paint all the trim in the basement on the crappy floor first since it is winter out there and then after that, put the floor down. At this point I don't even care how long it takes to get the trim in! lol. Then we can finally empty out what is now our office and start the transformation into our little girl's room. The furniture has arrived at the store so we will be able to pick that up ASAP once the room is painted. Hopefully that will leave me enough time to try to get the room at least a little organized before her arrival!

I washed the important things this week in case she is a little hasty about joining us. The car seat cover is all fresh and clean like new and her little outfit that her daddy bought her is ready to bring her home! Hmm I wonder when it is time to start thinking about packing a bag for the hospital... oh the lists that are constantly running through my head and then almost immediately forgotten... I hope I get my brain power back at some point!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Week 32

Happy New Year everyone! This is going to be quite an exciting year!

I missed last week with all the craziness of Christmas going on but I am back for week 32! This week this little pumpkin is 3.75 pounds and is 17 inches long. She is supposed to be gaining a lot now to double her current weight at birth. (that's a 1/2 pound a week!) This is all contributing to my difficulty in sleeping at night. If something doesn't hurt then I can't sleep because I can't breathe. Oh all the fun...

We started off the new year last night with friends. We wanted to make sure to go out for our last celebration with just the two of us. And although it was just one of us drinking (hint: not me) we sure didn't stay too long after midnight. Just long enough to get our "happy new years" in as well as a few hugs and kisses. It will definately be interesting next year with all the babies kicking around!

This morning of the brand new year was well spent in bed looking up baby names. Oh the decisions to make! We each have our own list and there isn't too much overlap! So Liviu decided to try them all on the baby to see which ones she likes. Apparantly she was sleeping and not interested in the naming process this morning. The unfortunate fallout from all of this however is Liviu's new obsession with my nearly outie bellybutton now though. He didn't seem to have any difficulty naming it. lol. Liviu did take a year end picture of me though so I may just have to include it to remember how huge I am and how it will, I am sure, pale in comparisson to my final photos.

Happy New Year everyone! Best of luck in 2010!!!