Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 67 -April 27th -Tuesday

You were up again in the middle of the night for a bottle! I don't think I like this new routine you are on. You were also up at 6:30 this morning to start your day. I tried putting you in bed with me to snuggle but you just kept looking up at me with a great big smile on your face. I figured you weren't going back to sleep. And besides, how can I get upset with you and that great big toothless grin?

Day 66 -April 26th -Monday

Last night you woke up at 2 am for a feeding. Seriously?! Oh boy it looks like we are moving backwards. I was so tired by morning that I put you into bed with me after your 6am bottle just so I could get a little more sleep! You did take a nice morning and afternoon nap though so I was able to get some stuff done around the house today!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day 64 -April 24th -Saturday

Today is a quiet day for us at home with your daddy. You had a nice snuggled up nap this morning with me on the couch. This afternoon you went down for a nap in your crib like a big girl for maybe only the 4th time since you were born. I usually keep you downstairs in your pack and play for your naps during the day but your dad is too loud for that! You slept for an hour but not very soundly. I think we are going to have to work on this crib thing!

Day 63 -April 23rd -Friday

Today you were up a little earlier than usual but you had a morning nap to make up for it. After your lunchtime bottle we packed up the car and headed out to Nana's house. We stopped on the way to pick up some Mother's day presents for all your grandmas (shhh don't tell).

When we got there the dogs were all quite interested in you. All except Chubby who didn't seem to care either way. You got a good look at both Joey and Marla and thought that they were quite interesting! Sometimes you would jump when one of the puppies would bark but you would just smile like it amused you. For the most part though, you were just interested in talking to your Nana who thinks that you are getting so big already! Grandpa got to see you too when he got home from work. He also brought your Auntie Laura who got to meet you for the first time! Your Grandpa says that you are getting so big as well and you had lots of great big smiles for him!

Day 62 -April 22nd -Thursday

Well today is the day... your first shots. It figures too because you are in such a good mood this morning! I feel bad that you might not be feeling so well for the next 24 hours. When we got there you were happy and smiling at your daddy and the doctor. He did your check up first and you are now 10lbs and 13ozs and 23 inches long! You sure are getting big! You are interacting well and the doctor is very happy with your progress!
Then it came to the part even I was dreading. The first needle you barely even flinched and didn't cry at all. I thought we were going to be home free with no trauma! (in hindsight I think you just wanted to prove that you want your ears pierced) The second needle went in alright but the serum must sting because you let out a cry like we have not heard yet! You poor little thing with real tears and everything. Luckily Auntie Dawn told me to have a bottle warm and ready and that seemed to help even though your still voiced your displeasure while drinking... You also gave the poor doctor a very unhappy look with your lip sticking out. Hopefully you will forgive him for your next visit...

You seemed to do pretty well when we got home. You were very sucky and wanted to snuggle all afternoon. I took your temperature often to make sure that it didn't get too high. I took it at 9:30 and it was normal and when I moved you at 10:00pm you were really hot! We stripped you down to your diaper and gave you a dose of tylenol. We gave you a bath but you didn't want that at all and cried the whole time. You just wanted to snuggle. Thankfully within about an hour your temperature was back down to normal. I was worried with how you would sleep at night but you did pretty well. You got up a little earlier than usual in the night and again the morning. I am very proud of how well you did!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 41 -April 1st

Well no tricks for us today but I did take you to work with me! I had a union meeting to go to today so you came with me too. First we went to lunch with Dianne at the barrel. Of course you needed to eat right when our food arrived. I think I am getting pretty good at multi-tasking these days though. We were late getting to the meeting of course. When we arrived, everyone oohed and aahed you and you were pretty well behaved. You did take the oppertunity to have a loud poop during a quite time though... always the center of attention!

Day 40 -March 31st -Wednesday

You were a very happy girl today and played away in your bouncy chair. You are definately happiest though when your daddy comes home from work. You always give him a great big smile!

Day 39 -March 30th -Tuesday

Today we went to the Well Baby Clinic to have you weighed and measured. With your outfit on you weighed 9lbs and 12 oz and were 22 inches long. Without the outfit we guess you weigh about 9lbs 6ozs and if you would straighten out we think you would be a little bit longer! The only time you are totally stretched out though is when you are eating your bottle. You have your little arms all tucked in and your legs straight out!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day 38 -March 29th -Monday

Today is Monday and a chance to get back to our routine again. It seems like we get going pretty good through the week and then once the weekend comes and we get travelling and visiting, our schedule gets a little screwed up. You are just starting to get into a fairly consistant pattern of eating and sleeping with usually 3 big naps and a bunch of cat naps and you are eating every 3 hours till the evening then you eat every 2 hours till bed. You seem to get up pretty regularily at 2, 5 then 7 and usually go back to sleep till 9 or 10!

Here are a couple of pictures of your favorite place to play, your bouncy chair, and your favorite place to sleep, beside me on the couch. You can also see your hairy little ears!

Day 37 -March 28th

Today we decided that it would be nice to be able to get out of the house for a bit. We also realized that it had been a while since we have been to a movie. So we asked Bunica and Bunicu if they would be willing to watch you for a couple of hours while we watched a movie. It all seemed like a good idea at the time but the closer the time came to leaving you the more anxious I got. I didn't think that it would be difficult to leave you for a couple of hours but it was the longest 3 hours of my life! lol. Now I know you were in great hands and the movie was quite good (How to Train Your Dragon) but I was SO happy to be able to give you a great big hug afterwards! Your Dad wouldn't like to admit it but I think he missed you a lot too!

Day 36 -March 27th

It doesn't matter how inconvenient it may be. Your favorite spot to sleep is on one of us without a doubt. You love to snuggle your face right in and then you fall fast asleep. Don't tell anyone but it is my favorite too!

Day 35 -March 26th

I always have a laugh when your dad is burping you. First of all you look so tiny still when he is holding you. Secondly with your ears sticking out and your cheeks all puffed up, you are just so stinking adorable!

Day 34 -March 25th

So it looks like I am busted... posts got out of order again! The problem is that I don't seem to have much spare time (I wonder why...). I have posts done for some days but have holes for other days. I am trying to fill in the blanks now so I can get everything all caught up but it seems that I can't even post them all in the right order! lol. The other problem with waiting so long is that if we just spent a day at home, I can't always remember what was specific to that day... sad I know. I promise to be better from now on. In the meantime, you may have some posts with just pictures of you being cute. Here is the first one of those...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

April 16th -Friday

8 weeks old today... wow! Where has the time gone! I can't believe that you are that old already. You have definately changed though from your first pictures and videos but where has the time gone?! Must be in the endless routine of bottles and naps and playtime...

Today was a good day. You were up at your regular multiple times last night but you went back to sleep again very easily. I like the end of the week because you are in a good routine. You sleep well and you eat regularily. I am starting to notice that I can expect you to get grumpy after your second yawn. Time to start thinking about getting you ready for a nap!

We met your dad after work and headed off into London to do some couch shopping so we can enjoy our theatre in the basement. I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted. Since the walls are dark chocolate, I want a lighter couch, material with an ottomon that fits in the L shape so it can be a bed if needed. Your dad just wants something with attatched cushions. We ended up with a dark brown leather sofa L shaped with 2 lazy boys and no ottomon... So mush for my idea. lol. Guess that means I get creating decorating now! Maternity leave sucks financially though so we are broke! lol at least until the next EI cheque...

April 17th -Saturday

Last night was a dream! It took a little to get you off to sleep in the begining. You seem to think that you need to fight off sleep these days. Once you went down though around 11:30 you fussed at 3 but I was able to rock you back to sleep. The next thing I knew it was 5am! You had slept the night again! whew! So you had your bottle and back to bed (not as difficult this time but definately not easy). I closed my eyes for a minute it seemed and you were awake. It was 9am! wow I know!

We had a day around the house today since we spent all our money last night. You had a fantastic day with good sleep and then a bottle. Tonight you are a bit of a nightmare. I think your tummy is not quite right though because you have spit up quite a few times and you are just downright fussy! Just as I am getting to the end of my rope though you let out this laugh. One of the loudest yet. Then another even louder. Then one huge loud and rolling belly laugh! Absolutely hilarious! I was in tears laughing and listening to you. I am not sure at all what you found so funny since you were just about asleep laying on my lap but it must have been something good. Made up for the fussiness. Hope you are ready to sleep tonight!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day 31 -March 22nd

You slept alright last night but today I am exhausted! 3 hours of sleep saturday night was definately not enough! We had a day around the house this morning and I was able to get a very short nap in this morning. Definately not enough! I set up your Hello Kitty humidifier in your room. I am pretty sure you will like kitties when you get bigger! Then we were off to your doctor's appointment this afternoon!

Your dad had a meeting at the hospital this afternoon so he didn't know if he could be there in time for your appointment. We sat and waited for a room in the waiting room and you were sound asleep in your buggy. All of a sudden you let out a great big laugh and woke yourself up! That is the first time I have heard you laugh! You had a pretty funny look on your face like you were startled. Your dad came up and missed it by only 5 minutes! Oh well there will be many more giggles to come!

The doctor said that you were looking very good. You didn't pee on the scale this time either. You were 9 lbs and 22 inches long. It is true, you are growing like a weed. You left the office looking pretty happy. We shall see if you do as well after your next appointment... that's when you get your first needles

Day 30 -March 21st

Today was your cousin Alexandra's baptism. Of course, last night you barely slept. That meant one tired mama for the event. You wore your beautiful polka-dot dress and your stockings. They looked hilarious because although your legs are quite long, they are also quite skinny. Once we arrived at the Russian restaurant you were finally able to meet your family from Chicago including your great-grandmother and namesake Buni Ileana! They all loved you and I barely saw you the entire time we were there! It is funny when looking at your Aunt Olesia's pictures you are in a lot of them each with a new person holding you! We also got to visit with your frinds Carson and Christina who are both quite the dancers! Not long before you start dancing too!

After the party we went back to your Buni's house to visit some more with those from Chicago. Your daddy's cousin Mioara is pregnant and her little one is due at the end of May. We don't know what she is having yet but we all voted and got our picture taken with our special t-shirts. Your dad and I think it is a boy but you voted for a girl. We will see who was right soon! We are also so lucky because the humidifier I wanted for your room isn't available in Canada. They were able to bring your Hello Kitty humidifier to Canada for us! Mioara also made you a beautiful diaper cake! You are a spoiled little girl!

Day 47 -April 7th

Last night you went down to bed a little rough (might have been from the naps but we won't tell). You had a bottle at midnight and then finally fell asleep in your bassinet. You then slept till 5am! 5 hours between bottles and almost 5 full hours of sleep for me! I woke up this morning feeling almost human! Such a nice change and I hope you will keep it up!

Today you had a nice long morning nap so I took the time to clean up the house and vaccuum the first floor. That is as far as I got though before you woke up. You were quite awake though for the rest of the day so I didn't get a chance to get any further.

You enjoyed playing with your little birdie toy that tweets at you (and makes the cats crazy) and of course you are enjoying your bouncy chair with toys. Tonight you didn't enjoy having your hair washed but you sure liked your bath time. Daddy was happy to take a video of your bath which I am sure will embarass you greatly one day!

Day 46 -April 6

Well since you were in the carseat for a long time yesterday, we made a deal for today. No car rides! We hung out in our pjs for most of the day and you got lots of time to stretch and kick and play. You must have had a good time though because you had a morning nap AND an afternoon nap. AND you slept in your bassinet for your naps! Incredible!
We put your little outfit on today. It was your only "newborn" outfit that you had. It is snug now and difficult to put on you. It makes me a little sad that after today, I will have to put it away because you are too big for it. You are growing and changing so fast! You have become quite good at holding your head up! Although I am enjoying watching you learn and grow and change, my new little baby is disappearing before my eyes. It is a good thing that we have so many pictures and videos to remember!

Day 45 -April 5th -Monday

Today is the holiday Monday. Both your Dad and your Auntie Louise had the day off today. We decided to give your Dad a real day off to do whatever he likes while we took a girlie trip to the states to do some shopping. Unfortunately a lot of other people had the same idea. We waited about 45 minutes to get into the states and then an hour and a half to get back into Canada. It made for a very long day! Your dad missed you so much he waited up until we got home so he could give you a kiss before bed.

Your auntie was able to get the bedroom set for your new little girl cousin at a phenomenal price compared to what it cost here in Canada. Since she isn't going to be a frou frou girl it is cute little jungle animals. You did smile at them so that must mean that you approve. You got your bug pod to hold all your bath toys when you get into the big tub and a bunch of cute little outfits. We finally found a "mommy" shirt and I only think it is fair since you have "daddy" shirts, sleepers and bibs! You were so good and happily shopped with us as long as we fed you when you were hungry of course!