Wednesday, February 17, 2010

39 Weeks!

So we have made it to 39 weeks! Where did all the time go?! This past month though, I do have to admit, has been the slowest part of this whole experience. So for the technical stuff, she is about 20.5 inches long and about 7.5 lbs. She won't have much time left to get chubbier because SHE IS COMING IN LESS THAN 48 HOURS!!! We got her eviction notice. Her c-section is set for friday Feb 19th. Uncle Matt is quite excited that she will be born on his birthday. Perhaps he hasn't considered yet that he will be having princess birthday parties for at least the next 8 years... lol.

We are so excited to meet her (and super glad we got all the necessary things done in the house to be ready for her) I am excited to see who she looks like and count all her fingers and toes. I am excited to meet this little foot that has been causing all the kicks and making me jump when she slides it all the way down my abdomen. I am excited to see if she still gets hiccups twice a day in the outside world (once in the afternoon and right before bed). I am so excited to see how she fits into our family and our home and to see what the kitties think of her. There are so many things that I have to remember to write down in the next couple of weeks so that I don't forget them! I hope I am not too tired to remember!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Almost 38 weeks!

This past Saturday was my big baby shower. We had quite the turnout and everyone stayed around to chat almost right to the end. We (really she) got spoiled rotten with all the beautiful gifts that people had brought. It was a wonderful time and I am so thankful to all the moms for taking the time to put it together for me!

Yesterday we had our weekly appt with our OB. It seems that there are a lot of c-sections going on right now so the earliest available date is Feb 23rd... a day before my due date. The doc agrees that that is pushing it pretty close as I would have a good chance of going into labour myself before then! She is watching diligently for a date the week before... so we have a birthdate i guess... but not really... lol

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

37 Weeks!

Well tomorrow is a big day! Our little one 37 weeks and officially full term. She weighs aprox 6.5 pounds and is about 20 inches long. She should be head down and in my pelvis by now. She has definately dropped over the last week and I definately feel much more weight and pressure. I am still having a lot of braxton hicks contractions but am feeling well for the most part. (laying down floor in the basement gets me kinda sore but it is one of those necessary evils for this little one to have a bedroom)

It is also a big day for another reason. Last week when we went in for our appointment, this little one was found to be breech. That's right, head up and tushie down. Since then, we have been trying just about everything to turn her around. Tomorrow we have an appointment with another OB who is going to try to turn her around with force. It has a 60% success rate so we will have to see if it works. The only thing is, if she doesn't tollerate it well, they will have to do a c-section tomorrow. I can't believe I might be able to meet my daughter face to face as soon as tomorrow! However, she still doesn't have a room or any furniture so I would like to post-pone our meeting for one more week...

So I am left tonight excited and a little scared (I know that it will not be comfortable tomorrow). I just can't believe that after all these weeks we are here near the end and I will soon have my little girl in my arms!